Switzerland & Ukraine
We stand united
We have organized a voluntary team, represented by people with deep experience from 2014, after the first invasion to Ukrainian Eastern territories. Our UA team is closely monitoring Ukrainian Chats, Social Media’s, Voluntary organizations and already works on what is REALLY NEEDED NOW.
We are focusing on buying prescription and trauma medicines directly from the suppliers
We are focusing on base equipment for the civil people who are protecting their homes and families
Food & Supplies
We supply all kinds of non-perishable food (canned food, chocolate, baby food, pet food) to the civilians in need.
Quick & Direct response to the needs
Low Bureaucracy & Efficient collaboration
Dedicated & Connected team
Bridging the gap between those in need and those willing to help we are constantly evolving our capabilities and reach. We are Ukrainians who are in direct contact with local communities and local charity organization. Understanding actual needs and constant monitoring of the situation helps us to stay relevant and direct.
Latest update: 26.04.2024

HelpUA Warehouse
In Nestle Plan Dessus building
Open hours:
Reception : Mo. – Fr., 12:30 – 16:30
Distribution : First and the Last Tuesday of every month 10:00 – 13:00
Our Partners
Our Partners
Our Results
Our Results
United to save lives across Ukraine.
Due to the fact that general medical supply is already well established, we are focusing only on prescription and trauma medicine which we already buy directly from the suppliers in bulk.
We rely a lot on your donations.
United to bring equipment for civilians
We are focusing on base equipment for the civil people who are protecting their homes and families (knee pads, shoes, warm sleeping bags etc.)
United to provide food and supplies all across Ukraine
We at HelpUa.CH are on a mission to bring food relief to those who need it most. We supply all kinds of non-perishable food (canned food, chocolate, baby food, pet food) to the civilians in need.
We really appreciate your willingness to help our Country and our Nation, which are battling now for Sovereignty, Democracy, and Freedom. The aggressor has underestimated the heroism & courage of Ukrainian resistance and the unity of nations that support Ukraine.
Our Team
Our Team
It's time to stand united and help Ukraine.
Let's get in touch
Join us.
We welcome any support from around Switzerland and beyond. Whether it’s financial, moral or manual labor every action counts. Don’t hesitate to contact us for any question or requests you might have.
HelpUA.ch is a Swiss non-profit association established pursuant to Art. 60-79 of the Swiss Civil Code, identification number IDE/UID CHE-386.316.349